Multiple Data Providers in a Single API
We provide developers, software providers and automotive businesses with access to a comprehensive selection of Vehicle Technical Data, in a single API.
Solifi DataDirect™
Specifications, options, pricing and technical data with extensive coverage over 200,000 cars, electric vehicles (EVs), and light commercial vehicles (LCVs) up to 7.5 tons in the UK market. We build custom solutions for specific use cases along with off-the-shelf endpoints for vehicle identification and pence-per-mile fuel calculations.
Auto Trader
Retrieve detailed vehicle information effortlessly using a vehicle registration mark. Alternatively, configure new vehicles using the same reliable pricing and specification data that fuels the largest used vehicle marketplace in the UK.
UK Vehicle Data
Vehicle and model details combines DVLA identification with researched technical data covering performance, dimensions, engine and drivetrain - including all important EV battery and charge time data - all accessible from a vehicle registration mark.
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Sign up for an account to test our API for FREE. Get access to online documentation, create API keys and make test calls to our sandbox before starting to use live data.