Protect your customer relationships and boost your profit margins.
Real time data cleansing maximises your compliance, improves customer relationships and increases response rates.
Keeper Changes
Don’t leave it to chance. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a marketing campaign or a phone call, it’s fast and cost effective to check for a change of keeper prior to each customer contact, ensuring you are always on message.
Scrap Marker Check
Every year thousands of vehicles are scrapped due to accident damage or mechanical failure, and there’s nothing more frustrating than a misplaced service reminder or call to a customer who has recently lost their vehicle.
Stolen Check
Vehicle theft can be a traumatic experience, but a sensitive response is a perfect opportunity to build a stronger relationship. It’s fast and cost-effective to check the theft status of a vehicle.
Deceased Check
Marketing to the deceased is brand damaging, a waste of marketing spend and will impact campaign performance. This service is the most efficient, accurate and cost effective way of ensuring customers who have passed away are removed from your marketing campaigns.
Goneaway Check
Identifies home movers using the Goneaway Suppression (GAS) file. It is the most accurate, up-to-date and widely used solution across the UK - using consented datasets from government (e.g. from local authorities), and blue-chip organisations that have a transactional relationship with their customers.
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